This week’s moments: narration from Melvin.

Hey guys, it’s me Melvin.  I guess now that there are two dogs living in this house (yes, he’s still here) I have to announce myself on my own blog.

The week has been pretty non-eventful and for whatever reason that makes Her very happy.  She likes when nothing happens.

This is dumb dumb Jake in the corner jail.  You know where I was when this was going down?  On the chaise, with Her. Ha, ha!



Sometimes we look up and the little dude is sitting someplace weird with his back to us.  It’s like he seeks a time-out!  Dork.


We got baths in a van this week.  Yeah, some van pulls up, we hop in and then wham-bam we smelly sweet!  I guess while I was in the van-tub, brother-annoyance was a bit lost without me (who isn’t) and ran from window to window looking for me.  I guess he’s not totally stupid inside, I mean he clearly senses my awesomeness.


This is not my spot.  I know this, but me squeezing myself into this nook means that little dude has to go eat his Kong in the foyer.  I know what I’m doing people.


Then this happens.  Listen, that blanket is furry-deliciousness (sort of like me) and I’ll lay near stinky-butt to be on it but notice the look in my eye; I’m pretty much always on guard for what he might do next.



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