
It appears that at some point in life (pre-us), Jake had some sort of spinal injury.  We don’t have any details on that but we do know now that from that, he now has spinal cord scarring.  I saw the area on his spine that has the scarring when the neurologist showed me his MRI.  At the time, the theory was that area was either injury, scarring or cancer.

Since Jake showed no improvement the last few weeks on medication, we have ruled out current injury.  Since he did not deteriorate drastically, we are ruling out cancer.  That leaves scarring.  In this scenario, injury would have been best, but scarring is way better than cancer.

So this is our new way of life.  Jake’s legs are pretty good about 75% of the time and not and not good the rest of the time (of his awake hours).  It’s likely he will stay this way and that we can anticipate an eventual, yet hopefully gradual, decline over the course of his life. We are going to try rehab.  They don’t anticipate it will help but since it won’t hurt, I’d obviously like to TRY.

It’s all good.  One of my favorite sentiments is that (and I’m sure it’s an actual quote but I’m not sure of its exact wording)… The hurdles and twists and turns in the path, are in fact, the path.  I have always tried to remind myself and others that come good times or challenging times, this is your life, don’t forget to live it!  So we have leapt into Wonkyville, made Jake the mayor and plan to make the very best of our time here!

When Jake’s legs go out now, he just lays down for a bit.  If his legs start sliding out from under him, he props himself up against a wall. From Jake we learn, ‘if you stumble-make it part of your dance’.  I love that dog.

Here is a photo of Jake being super-stylish at the neurologist and two others of the brothers…

1 27 14b

1 27 14 1 27 14a

10 thoughts on “Wonkalicious.

  1. Oh Jake, your cuteness and quirks just got even better. I am so happy, which sounds super weird to say, the it’s just scarring on his spine and not cancer. Pug was a very slow decline which has made things easier and harder at the same time. Easier, because we had time to make adjustments and think ahead of how we were going to make him as comfortable as possible. Harder, because his recent decline has been fast and I just dont know how to handle it. Jake is in the best hands and you three are lucky to have found each other. I found physical therapy to be a huge help and it was good exercise for Pug. Let me know if you need anything at all. I am here for you. xoxoxox

    • Even if we didn’t have soul-sister-brothers, we are 100% here for you ALWAYS! We shall chat offline about Pug’s recent decline but let it be known, if he needs us, we will come carry him! We love you!!!!

  2. We love that saying about the path and we are so happy to read that although it isn’t the best of situations, it certainly isn’t the worst. Jake is Jake and it sounds like he’s just dandy.

  3. Tracey, Oh how I can relate to “Wonkalicious.” My own legs don’t work quite as well as they once used too. A good lien against the walk is a savior. A learning curve non-the-less. We learned to except what is given in our path, and adapt as we know nothing else. Life is good, Jake and Melvin are lucky to have you in their life!!

    Sent from my iPad


  4. My human mommy wants to know if we can plan a trip to Wonkyville. She says its three inhabitants have really figured out the right way to face life and all of its twists and turns. 🙂

  5. We all adjust to what life brings us – good or bad or whatever. We’ve been in Wonkyville for quite some time. It’s a livable place to be. You all will figure out those twists and turns and be just fine. I do recommend those alternative treatments! i LOVE my acupuncture Dr!!!!! And I have a friend who spends time on an underwater treadmill. she claims it makes her feel like a million bucks!

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