
Fall has always been my favorite season.  Most of the reasons are related to fashion, in fact prior to rescuing Melvin, every single reason to adore Fall was purely superficial (and trust me, I’m fine with admitting that!).  But now, Fall is not only my favorite season but also the most important season in this household.

Melvin’s intense allergy season is March/April to Oct/Nov.  By intense I mean that despite the shots, the pills, the baths, the prescription food and the vet visits, his allergy issues remain at a noticeable level.  Long gone are the days where he itches until he bleeds but there are still plenty of days that he will try to gnaw on his paws until they are raw (of course I don’t let it get to that point).

Our saving grace, the day I dance and sing and twirl and act like the craziest damn gypsy on the block, is the day of the first frost.  From that day until spring hits, my boy is what some might call, normal.  I mean we still can’t drop any food on the floor but we can take him outside without the promise of a baby wipe bath afterwards!  Now if only fake fall would hurry up and usher in the lower temps.  This week it’s supposed to be friggn 80 degrees.  Oh Mother Nature, if we ever meet…

This picture has nothing to do with anything except adorableness. And yes, he tried to exit going forward:

10 thoughts on “Fall.

  1. Ugh…that’s gotta be rough on both of you. P.S. I love his face so much! I can’t remember if you’ve mentioned it already, but is he a purebred lab? His ears and very long nose make him look like a hound mix to me.

  2. 80 degrees at the end of October?! Wow! I hope you get that frost verrrrrry soon so that Melvin can be a happy boy and stop his scratching!

    We are currently trying to figure out if Athena has some sore of fall allergy with her itchy skin and red goopey eyes. We shall see…

  3. Fall is my favorite. Followed closely by spring. Summer can kiss my …. well, that is a sweet little photo of Melvin! Did he teach his less-than-superior exit strategies to Polly? She does stuff like too! She is a pit bull in a china shop, I swear!

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