Big dog in a little bed.

Dog beds cannot be returned.   I’m well aware of this rule and it makes perfect sense. Due to my rational irrational fear of flea infestations, the dog bed rule suits me just fine.  When I ordered Melvin’s latest bed, the picture for the XL bed had a Great Dane on it and although Melvin is big, he is not that big.  The size for a large said up to 96 lbs.  Melvin is currently 77 lbs.  No advanced math skills required, I ordered the large. As mentioned on Friday, the bed arrived and it is too small for Melvin.  Despite this, the bed has turned out to be Melvin’s favorite bed thus far.  I have a hard time getting him out of it (perhaps it’s because he has to sleep all curled up and his legs fall asleep).  Regardless, I’m glad he likes it because it’s his for the next eight months.

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