
Jake is very sensitive to temperatures lower than 70 degrees.  He shivers on our walks and people pull over to tell me he’s cold (as if I didn’t notice he was shaking uncontrollably).  So I bought him a sweater.  And then another, Then a jacket, then four more jackets.  NOTHING FITS HIM.  It took eight jackets before I found one that worked with his odd body.

He is impossible to shop for.  I usually don’t use the ‘I’ word (especially in the same sentence as shopping) but trust me on this, nothing fits him.  He should be a medium. The length of his body is medium.  But his head is borderline XL, his neck is definitely a large and don’t get me started on how wide his chest is compared to his teeny tiny waist.  If I buy him large, it drapes behind him like a bridal train and hangs below him and he pee’s on it.

So I decided to try a sweatshirt for when he shivers inside the house, that way I could adjust it (read cut it up with scissors) without it unraveling (yes, sweaters unravel if you cut them, trust me).  I thought I found one that worked well (even though I am pretty sure it’s a girl-dog sweatshirt):

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But then I found him sleeping like a corpse,unable to put his arm down due to the sweatshirt being too tight!

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I’ll be measuring him for his Tiennot Sweater tonight!

13 thoughts on “Stylist.

  1. I know they are pricey, but you should try ordering from the same place you recommended I get rain coats for my pooches. The jackets for like a glove (I ordered Boney a standard pug jacket, but Dixie got a full custom coat. They were fast, customer service was great and I (and the doggies) couldn’t be happier!!

    • Oh trust me, that hoodie is staying! I can make it work. I’ll measure him up this weekend (as soon as I recall the measurements you need and get a tape measure!)

    • Yes!!! That was actually the type of coat we finally ended up with. I never thought to get a fleece type for the inside, that is an awesome idea! Thank you!!!

  2. Jake is very cute.

    We always have trouble fitting our dogs and I can only imagine sweaters and sweatshirts are not designed for Jake’s body type. 🙁 He’s such a cutie though, I’m sure once you find something it’ll totally be worth the effort.

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