Decorating with dogs.

It’s not always easy having dogs and a love of decorating (that borders on obsessive).  Dogs are cute, the stuff they need, not always as much.  I spend way too much a great deal of time trying to figure out how dog stuff can work for them and from a decorating perspective.

Here are some of our solutions…

Beds that are versatile enough for every room but nothing that screams HEY DOWN HERE, COULD I BE MORE UGLY. Above all things, beds and covers must be easy to wash.IMG_0758 IMG_0730 IMG_0727

Dog bowls that are minimal, metal (for raw feeding) and a rubber mat that allows for drippage.IMG_0728

Rugs that work double duty (pretty and comfortable). Hiding dog hair a HUGE bonus.IMG_0761 IMG_0773IMG_0748 IMG_0751 IMG_0750

Storage for dog items (I don’t leave my stuff lying around, why should they?).

This houses sweaters and collars:IMG_0733IMG_0734

Diapers and pads, check:IMG_0744IMG_0745

Snoods and doggy bags:IMG_0735 IMG_0738

Winter coats and training items:IMG_0739

Harnesses and leashes in garage for easier suiting up:IMG_0743

My goal, make so it some of the stuff, almost goes unnoticed.  What are some of your tricks??

14 thoughts on “Decorating with dogs.

  1. You are so organized! I love it. I have grand plans to be more organized but thus far haven’t quite achieved those grand plans. There is a box for toys…though I have yet to convince them putting toys back is just as fun as emptying the bin. Then I have a bin for collars and bandanas. I also bought a cute rack for their leashes and harnesses but have not yet hung it 😛

  2. Wow! Umm, I need some help with decorating/organizing! Ironically, I am very organized, but for a while now I can’t organize my house. Its been a bit of chaos 🙁

  3. please come organize and decorate our home?! you put me to shame!! (found this post while searching for dog bed suggestions- I am so stuck! why does it seem that there are no comfy/durable/washable options between $50 and $300??)

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